
Group Photo at Drexel CCI, June 2024

Welcome to the SOAR (Software Engineering and Analytics Research) Lab. SOAR Lab is a software engineering research group in the Department of Computer Science at Drexel University led by Dr. Preetha Chatterjee. At SOAR, our focus is on improving software engineers’ tools and environments through empirical data analysis, natural language processing and machine learning.

About PI

Preetha Chatterjee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Drexel University. Her research interests are primarily in software engineering, with the goal of improving software engineers’ tools and environments through different techniques such as data mining, text analysis, and machine learning. She is especially interested in mining software repositories at a large scale and extending data analytics solutions to transform the plethora of information available in software artifacts into actionable nuggets of knowledge and tools, which is useful for both software engineers and researchers. Through her research, she intends to enable advances in areas including building/enhancing recommender systems for developers, information retrieval tasks from unstructured developer communications, and understanding social and human aspects in software engineering.

PI: Dr. Preetha Chatterjee


January 2024

Paper 'Incivility in Open Source Projects: A Comprehensive Annotated Dataset of Locked GitHub Issue Threads' accepted in the International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Data Showcase Track

October 2023

Papers 'Shedding Light on Software Engineering-specific Metaphors and Idioms' and 'Uncovering the Causes of Emotions in Software Developer Communication Using Zero-shot LLMs' accepted in the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024), Research track

November 2023

Paper 'Exploring ChatGPT for Toxicity Detection in GitHub' accepted in the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024), NIER track

July 2023

2 papers accepted at The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023), Ideas, Visions and Reflections Track

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